Monday, December 1, 2008

Wallpaper for December- A tribute to Mumbai

This month's wallpaper is a tribute to all those people who lost their lives in the Mumbai terror attack.May their soul rest in peace.

It is a tribute to those injured in the terror attack. Those who still lie in the hospital battling for their lives and peace of mind.

It is a tribute to all the Army personnel, the Marcos and the National Security Guards who fought to save the city and the hostages. They are truly courageous.

It is a tribute to all those selfless civilians who work at the "Taj", "Oberoi and Trident" hotels ,"Leopold " Cafe, "CST" railway station and "Cama" Hospital and those who lived in "Chabad House". They saved a lot of lives, some even lost their own life whilst saving the hostages.

It is a tribute to the survivors. I pray that they feel peaceful and safe when they sleep at night.

It is a tribute to the city of Mumbai, to each and every person living here. We all have been traumatized by this attack.

In the picture above - the background signifies the terror we have faced.
There is a white candle for peace. Peace in the city. Peace for the souls. Peace for the country.
The bird Represents our right to freedom from terror, terrorism and terrorists.

So many lives lost. So many families destroyed. Will we be able to forget horror of these three days?
Mumbai was considered one of the safest cities to venture out in the night. This attack just took that feeling of safety away from me.
Mumbai has a spirit. Mumbai will bounce back. Yes, We can!
However the spirit has taken a major beating this time. :-(
Do we have any other choice? We have to bounce back.
People in Mumbai cannot AFFORD to stay at home. Living in the city is expensive. Those of us who are privileged to live in this City have to work hard so that we have enough left for ourselves after the taxes (we pay 33% of india's taxes, that's 1/3rd of all of India's taxes ) have been deducted from our income.

Does the fact that the city bounces back every time it's been hit entice more terror attacks?

I am a citizen of Mumbai.
My daily prayers now include "God bless the people of Mumbai".

Feel free to use the picture as your desktop wallpaper, contact me if you wish to use the picture for commercial purposes.


Anonymous said...

Warfare against civilians must never be answered in kind. Terror must never be answered with terror.

The past is finished. There is nothing to be gained by going over it. Whatever it gave us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to know.

May all you who read this blog unite for peace and right to safety.

I salute all the Mumbaikar martyr's who left a impression on our mind by their selfless acts and who lost their lives to give a better tomorrow to us.

Whoisanand said...

Gr8 Expression through Art !

Francis Xavier said...

Nice work,i like the effects given to this work...

But I cant follow your blog, you havent provided with the option...