Saturday, September 15, 2007

Say No TO Drugs

Say no to drugs! And yes to life! :)
That's always been my mantra.
I did some social campaigning on this issue back in high school (made some posters to be put up around, they were copies of the Archie comic posters, you know the one where Archie with the whole gang holds this board saying " Say no to Drugs").
The Left side of the above picture is a hand painted poster that I had done in Art school (still a subject that I felt for, we had a list of subjects to choose from, I choose this one). And the one on the right is an digitally edited version of the same. Something I tried a while back (and the saga continues).
Me thinks the base line could be better though. Got any ideas? Write in!
Mean while Say no to drugs and stay high on Life! :)
Contact me if you wish to use it for commercial purposes. :)